Sunday, February 26, 2012

Getting my son's car ready for deployment!

My son Nick came home for Christmas. He was scheduled to deploy to Afghanistan shortly after he got back to Texas. He needed (mostly wanted) to store a few items here, one of which was his car. He packed it so full, the only room left was for the driver! He proceeded to drive his car from Texas, with a short stop in Atlanta to visit Aunt Cinda & Uncle Ben. He then headed north, with another stop in Virginia to visit with his Uncle Larry & Aunt Susie. Before he left the DC area he was instructed he must meet with my Cousin, who was recently approved and promoted to Brigadier General. GO ARMY! Her and her husband took him to lunch at the officers club. What a great treat that was! He had a great visit! Next stop would be home.
I was so glad to see him. I had not seen him for over a year. The next day he unpacked his car into the basement. I could not believe his car had that much room for all the things I saw. He was able to visit with most of his friends, play WOW and other various LAN games with them till all hours of the night, in the basement, where they could come and go with ease. He had a great time! The month went by and it was time for him to fly back to Texas leaving his belongings and car here.
After a few days of being back, he was told he and a few others were not deploying after all. Now, his car, computer and other various things were here in New York. That is a problem! He really wanted his to get him his computer, without totally breaking the bank. Then there is the issue with his car, he now has to catch a ride or walk everywhere, the travesty. My father voluntarily has agreed to fly here and drive his car to him in Texas! Problem solved. 
I thought it would be good to get the car checked out with our mechanic to make sure it was travel worthy. I opened the door and OMG, what a mess! I could not let my father drive Nick's car in this condition. I could not even sit in it without feeling like I was getting dirty. Yikes! After several hours of vacuuming and wiping down, it is now sitable. Couple of  things I would still like to do is spot clean the carpets and defog the headlights. And of course the inspection!

Being positive in Rock Tavern,

1 comment:

  1. Laurie's Mom and Nick's Grandmom!!!!February 27, 2012 at 9:43 AM

    Oh the things we do for our Children no matter how old they are and of course our Grandchildren no matter how old they are and how old we are!!!!!


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