Saturday, January 21, 2012

It is snowing!

Winter as been very mild here as far as snow goes. So this week when we were being told we would have snow, I was a little skeptical. Tuesday when we were called (5:15am) by the school district to notify us of a two hour delay, I thought, wow, we have snow. When the sun came up I noticed that we had about a dusting to an inch on the ground (I guess the schools needed time to clear sidewalks and parking lots to be sure no ice was built up). We were again warned Thursday that we would be getting more snow. So on my way home from gymnastics, it was snowing, our street had at least an inch...The thought of another call from the school district at 5am in the morning ran through my head. The girls get to sleep in a little and I will get a little extra time in the morning before having to get them ready for school. I woke up about 4-4:30am. I moved the phone closer to me so it would be easier to answer when it rang. I waited and waited and waited some more. The phone never rang! Once the sun came up I realized that the snow had melted from the roads, driveways and sidewalk overnight. No delay! Schedule was as usual. The reports came in that we would yet again have snow starting very early Saturday morning and going into the afternoon. I anticipated a light coating would be awaiting us once the sun came up. When I looked out this morning, Wow, we had about 2 inches of snow on the entire ground! I know when the girls woke up by the excited squeals heard from the upstairs! It has been snowing lightly since.

Three times is a charm, or is it three strikes and your out!?

Being Positive in Rock Tavern,
Three times is a charm!

Friday, January 13, 2012

All the guest have gone home

Well, it is Friday and my last guest has left and gone home. It was great having 5 extra family members visit for the Christmas vacation. The first to arrive was my mother, she flew in from Florida. My in-laws arrived a few days later on a train from California via Ohio. My son drove from Ft. Hood a few days before my father flew in from Florida. I am glad we were able to comfortably accommodate all. The weather remained mild for December. Santa came on time, although it was touch and go if that was to be the case. And the New Year came without a hitch.

Now that the house has no more guests, I will be packing away the decorations that I was able to put up this year myself (all except the lights on the house, hubby did that), getting caught up on laundry, dusting, and other various household chores I put off so I could visit.

My goal for this year is that I will attempt to blog more about what has happened here in the House of Walden.

Being Positive in Rock Tavern,

Sunday, January 1, 2012

My First Quilt Project

Somewhere around about six or seven years ago, I started a small quilt project. I had received a mixer

for my kitchen and thought it would look better if it was covered. I took measurements, picked out fabric and designed my project. Knowing little about quilting, I had NO IDEA what I was getting myself into. I pieced together the pattern I decided on,

 then sewed those pieces together to make the pattern fit the measurements needed to cover the mixer. I then put the batting in between the front and backing I picked out and pinned them together. I ended up with five rectangles.
one of these for the top
four of these for the sides
Several years passed because I was uncertain as to how I was to "quilt" them together. I had somewhat of an idea as to how I wanted to connect the five pieces, but still was not sure. While my mom was visiting I asked for her assistance. She was glad to help, but had no idea how we were going to connect all the pieces together either. Needless to say with her suggestions and coaching I am pleased to say it is finally finished! I want to stress that I am a complete novice when it comes to sewing. I do understand the concepts as I am a paper crafter and I do a little scrap-booking. I think what I am trying to say is I am very pleased that it turned out as well as it did. I now have a cover for my mixer!

Positively pleased in Rock Tavern,
