Friday, January 13, 2012

All the guest have gone home

Well, it is Friday and my last guest has left and gone home. It was great having 5 extra family members visit for the Christmas vacation. The first to arrive was my mother, she flew in from Florida. My in-laws arrived a few days later on a train from California via Ohio. My son drove from Ft. Hood a few days before my father flew in from Florida. I am glad we were able to comfortably accommodate all. The weather remained mild for December. Santa came on time, although it was touch and go if that was to be the case. And the New Year came without a hitch.

Now that the house has no more guests, I will be packing away the decorations that I was able to put up this year myself (all except the lights on the house, hubby did that), getting caught up on laundry, dusting, and other various household chores I put off so I could visit.

My goal for this year is that I will attempt to blog more about what has happened here in the House of Walden.

Being Positive in Rock Tavern,

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