Monday, May 28, 2012

Let the planting begin

Passion Flower(w/edible fruits)
Passion Flower Vine
Can't remember!
I have spent most of this weekend planting. I love being outside and am finally able to do so. It started out that I went to the nursery just for some marigolds (I saw them at a customers house earlier in the week) and some tomato plants. Left the nursery with 5 - 1gallon plants, a butterfly bush, 3 tomato plants, 1 pepper and the flat of marigolds. Let me go back about a month...I started in a little starter kit I got at Lowes, I planted a bunch of tomatoes, pepper, green beans, squash and apples all from seeds. They all started to sprout and looked great, only I waited too long to plant, or should I say the weather was not what it should have been for me to plant. I did plant them last weekend with the hopes that they would perk up, well they still look pathetic; hence is why I was going to buy vegetable plants at the local nursery. 5 - 1gallon plants and a butterfly bush sounded like a lot of plants, however, I need to fill in a very large area with plants. I thought I was doing good until I finished planting; it still looks like I planted close to nothing. I also weeded once again(actually for the third time in the last month) the front yard, by the way where did all the mushrooms come from? Yikes! Relocated 3 bulbs, OH! I also planted 18 bulbs in the garden by the guest suite along with scattering some butterfly attracting wild flower seeds, that I got for my Samantha(as she loves butterflies). Can't wait to see those come up. I planted 10 Hosta bulbs and 2 more Iris's. It is a shame I will probably have to wait till next spring to see them come up. I also turn the grass that crept up around my husbands cherry trees; I got him those for his birthday last year, so the mowers don't get too close. What is left....I still need to prune my every so beautifully blooming roses out front, cause they are starting to over take the front walk and I am afraid someone will get lost. And I have about 50 bulbs that I still need to find a home for in the yard.
Butterfly Bush

 Totally and thoroughly exhausted in Rock Tavern,