Monday, April 30, 2012

Couldn't hold out forever

In the fall of last year my youngest daughter (6 years old) stated she wanted her ears pierced. So I looked around at different places to take her with a reasonable price. While we were in Washingtonville at dance for my oldest daughter (8 years old), while walking down the street, I noticed a sign in the window of the barbers...ear piercings. So I asked the youngest if she wanted to go check it out. So we went in and asked how much it would be to pierce both ears. $25, now that is reasonable. He~Allen~the barber, he showed us the earrings and she picked out what she would like, then he asked if she was ready to do it now? She shook her head..."No, maybe next week, we will come back next week!" So we went back the next week and she bravely sat down on the chair. Asked if it was gonna hurt?! Just a little pinch. She looked up at me, I assured her that it would be just a little pinch. So to distract her, he asked her some questions about what she liked to do, what her favorite things were? First earring in, she looks at me and said that did hurt and almost jumped out of the chair. I looked at her and carefully and lovingly said, "You need to get the other one done too, or you will be lopsided!" She said okay. By now the first ear started to calm down, she was ready! Second one in...that one did not hurt as much. Yeah! All done! She smiled and got up from the chair put her head in my stomach trying not to cry. I think she was a little more scared than hurt.

Afterwards we showed her older sister. I asked her if she wanted to get her ears pierced, "no, no thank you" she replies. I would ask her on occasion if she wanted her ears pierce, we even went to visit the barber to check it out, but the answer was always the same: "No, no thank you." Every now and again the youngest and I go visit the barber while waiting for her sister at dance class. He remembers her and asks her if she still likes her ears? He told us that one of the guys that works for him was so impressed how well she did while getting her ears done, he got his done too...I think secretly he was not to be outdone by a 6 year old! :-)

Two weeks ago, after dance class my oldest declared she wanted her ears pierced while her sister was at her dance class. So while sister was at dance we walked into the barbers and asked if he had time to pierce her ears. He seemed pleased she finally wanted to bling her ears! She sat down in the chair, picked out her earrings and grabbed onto my arm, she was ready! He asked her questions trying to distract her...First ear done..."That hurt a little but, not so bad." Ready for the second. Done. Yeah!

I guess she could not be outdone by her little sister any longer!


Being positive in Rock Tavern,

Friday, April 13, 2012

What happened, where have you been?

Some of you have probably been wondering: what is going on with the stampinbeautylady? Well, as you may remember, when I posted my first few blogs, I decided I wanted to talk about positive things. I still want to do so, however, I have been finding it hard lately to find some positives, so I have chosen to post nothing at all...and it has been eating away at me. Why? Why am I not finding something positive to post? Really quick: I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed over the past few months. I have not been very motivated to delve into much of anything, except what is necessary to get through the day.

A friend of mine had mentioned to me that, while facebook is a great place to reconnect with lost friends and families, it seemed most people post how wonderful and perfect their lives are; how great things are with their families! I know I am guilty as well...wanting to post only the positive things happening in my life in my blog. Most, (I say most lightly, as some do post more info then I'd like to know, LOL) people do want to share the all the wonderful things in their lives. Is that such a bad thing?

Maybe?!  I know that life has it's ups and it's downs, it is difficult to forget about the negatives; not sure why that is, but it seems the negatives like to stay with us for a while. When we read and see our friends with these great lives, doing all the great things, having a wonderful life, we are left wondering: what am I doing wrong, what is wrong with me? You know what? Nothing! Nothing is wrong with you! You are doing nothing wrong! Let's see if we can think of it this way...our friends and families are sharing their happy moments with us because they are having down moments and need to write about the good to turn the negative around! Got it?! This may or may not really be the case, but this way of thinking may just be what we need to help us feel better about us!

With that said...I think that there are times when we need to share our downs. Let our friends know that our lives are not as perfect as we may sometimes portrait. And that everyday is not as grand as we would hope it to be!

Trying to be positive without being negative!

In Rock Tavern,