Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My New Job

The past few weeks have been a blur. I have been trying to figure out what to write about and still be positive. Okay, so here goes.

Some of you know that I started working a part time job about the same time that school started. It is a win win for me and the place in which I work. Gymnastics was a big part of my life growing up. I ate, breathed, and slept gymnastics. After I got "too old" (16years old) for the sport I started coaching. Took a break for a few years and found myself back in the gym somewhere in my early twenties coaching again. This was back before my Army days ~ which is another story!

My two daughters are in gymnastics and have been for some time now. My littlest started when she was about one and a half years old ~ she wanted to do what her sister was doing! I wanted to share with them the love I had/have for the sport. I started them in a place called "The Little Gym". It was a great program. Introduced them to the sport in a fun friendly environment. They loved it! Soon, they were both asked to be in a higher level class ~ plus they both got to be in the same class together ~ great for me, only one trip a week to the gym! About a year and a half the place closed down, so I had to find another gym. Walked into "Gym Kids, Inc". Looked around and got a good feeling about the place. Lots of equipment and the owners seemed pleasant.  I was a little disappointed when I could not put them in the same class together, I had to make two trips to the gym once again. Well, about 9 months into the program they were both invited to join the "Golden Group". A more advanced class that met for one and a half hours a week. Yeah, back to one trip a week to the gym. This summer they joined the "Copper Team". Back to two trips a week to the gym. It is so exciting to see how much they have improved and how much they really like doing gymnastics.

About a year or so ago I had inquired what it would take to be a coach these days. Things have changed quite a bit since the 80's. You now need to become an instructor member of USAG and should be "Safety Certified", which requires you to go to a class and pass a test on safety. At the time I had inquired we were trying to sell our home in Washingtonville, get ready to move into our new home; that was going to be ready at any time, and the gym needed a coach that could work numerous days a week ~ in which I was not prepared to do, plus the girls were all ready in other activities. So, I put it out of my mind. The first week of the new gymnastic semester, I noticed that the gym was a little short on coaches. The following week I received a phone call from the owners asking if I would still be interested in coaching. I would need to be there just the days my girls were. I would be assisting the other coaches. And I would get paid. I was thrilled at the chance to be in the gym again after all these years, plus I was already there watching my girls learn. After a few weeks, I was asked how I was feeling about being there and if I was getting comfortable, I was feeling great! Then, they asked me to become a USAG instructor member and take the "Safety Certification" course.

I remember sitting in the lobby watching, not only my girls but the others, saying to myself "point those toes, straighten your knees, squeeze those buns, arms by your ears, head up, don't look at the ground" ~ trying to coach the girls from the lobby! I am so excited be be back in the gym coaching!

Being positive in Rock Tavern,